Consultez les articles scientifiques réalisés à l’aide des instruments de Photon etc. Affinez votre recherche en spécifiant le produit d’intérêt, le champ d’expertise, l’année de publication et le journal.
Applied Physics Letters
- Matériaux avancés
Experimental Evidence for Mobile Luminescence Center Mobility on Partial Dislocations in 4h-Sic Using Hyperspectral Electroluminescence Imaging
Lire la suiteSPIE: Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication
- Matériaux avancés
Spectral Properties of Ultra-Broadband Entangled Photons Generated From Chirped-MgSLT Crystal Towards Monocycle Entanglement Generation
Lire la suiteSPIE: Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices II
- Photovoltaïque
Evaluation of Micrometer Scale Lateral Fluctuations of Transport Properties in CIGS Solar Cells
Lire la suiteNano Letters
- Matériaux à base de carbone
Measurements of the Population Lifetime of D Band and G′ Band Phonons in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Lire la suiteSPIE Photonics North
- Matériaux avancés
Raman Spectroscopy Hyperspectral Imager Based on Bragg Tunable Filters
Lire la suiteLight: Science & Applications
- Matériaux avancés
- Sciences de la vie
Conic Hyperspectral Dispersion Mapping Applied to Semiconductor Plasmonics
Lire la suiteApplied Physics Letters
- Photovoltaïque
Contactless Mapping of Saturation Currents of Solar Cells by Photoluminescence
Lire la suiteSPIE: Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices
- Photovoltaïque
Characterization of Solar Cells Using Electroluminescence and Photoluminescence Hyperspectral Images
Lire la suiteSensors and Actuators B: Chemical
- Biochimie et nanosenseurs
A Photoluminescence-Based Quantum Semiconductor Biosensor for Rapid in Situ Detection of Escherichia Coli
Lire la suiteApplied Surface Science
- Sciences de la vie
Molecular Self-Assembly and Passivation of GaAs (001) With Alkanethiol Monolayers: A View Towards Bio-Functionalization
Lire la suiteReview of Scientific Instruments
- Matériaux avancés
- Sciences de la vie
- Métrologie